The comparison savings are based on a single transfer of AUD$20,000 to USD. Savings are calculated by comparing the exchange rate including margins and fees provided by each bank and OFX on the same day (16 November 2020). Pricing data is provided by an independent third party, FXC Intelligence Ltd. The comparison savings provided is true only



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The comparison savings are based on a single transfer of AUD$20,000 to USD. Savings are calculated by comparing the exchange rate including margins and fees provided by each bank and OFX on the same day (16 November 2020). Pricing data is provided by an independent third party, FXC Intelligence Ltd. The comparison savings provided is true only OzForex Ltd. OzForex Limited provides online foreign exchange products and services. The Company offers services such as immediate and forward payments, limit orders, travel card, money transfers The OzForex system is extremely transparent and allows you to view the interbank rate and the rate you receive. There are no commissions or hidden fees. For a fresh approach to your currency needs call OzForex now to speak to one of our foreign exchange specialists. Our toll free numbers are: Australia 1300 300 524 United Kingdom 0845 686 1950 OzForex Limited ABN 65 092 375 703 (trading as “OFX”) and its subsidiaries make no recommendations as to the merits of any financial product referred to in the website, email or its related websites. Please read our Product Disclosure Statement and our Financial Services Guide.

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