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FXDD is a leader in online forex trading, mobile software platforms & support for trading forex and CFD markets. Open a trading account today. We use cookies to help our site work, to understand how it is used and to improve user experience. By clicking 'Accept', you agree to us doing so. You can read more in our privacy policy. Dukascopy Bank is pleased to provide it's service for World's most popular mobile OS users through the JForex for Android application. A genuine Android OS application that replicates all the main features of the Dukascopy platforms. In order to let you trade your account from anywhere, the app supports Edge/3G/Wi-Fi connection types with an automatic connection control system that adapts data


Apr 16, 2020 Read our FXDD Review 2018 and your search will finally be over. The app is called JForex HD and can be found on the App Store. The only Android FXDD app available is the MT4 Trader, but given its quality, you really 

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